Owning a dog can have a positive impact on your health, happiness and safety.Growing a vegetable garden provides food security, meeting an important need for modern families in these uncertain times.Creating family memories that last a lifetime is more about spending quality time together than it is about spending money.It was a really interesting conversation.The most important job of a hook is to entice readers to want to read your essay, so it is often the first sentence in your introduction. It got them thinking about whether it was too much/not enough and reasons for their opinion. Before studying an extract from 1984 with my 9s, we had a discussion about the level of CCTV and surveillance in today’s society.The result was high engagement, critical thinking, and excellent research. They disagreed with me, so I told them to prove it. I put up a gif of flat-earth cosmology and insisted it was correct.I used a video and discussion to introduce the technology and its effect on society before studying ‘The Pedestrian’ by Ray Bradbury.We were delivered a scroll with the poem on mid-way through their detecting Jabberwocky – we trashed a room and drew monster claw prints everywhere, the children then came in as reporters to find clues.Silent lessons where students enter and are instructed to be silent and then given a single piece of information which sets them off on the lesson – like a scavenger hunt.Taking away all the chairs and getting children to persuade them to come back to the classroom.

Setting up a crime scene leading into investigative journalism.Solving crimes in Gressehall – a Norfolk Victorian workhouse.